Digital Marketing

Small Scale Business- Marketing Strategies and Ideas


Let’s dive into the meaning of small scale business first. All the businesses which run with lesser funding, a limited market value, including few employees and machines are categorized as a small scale business or MSMEs (micro, small, medium enterprises). Small Scale Business, as clear by its name, has not had a wide reach among people but aspires to grow into a million-dollar company. To turn into a big business, it needs an amazing marketing strategy and that is what we are going to discuss in this blog. A well-planned strategy has the capacity to turn things upside down. Hence, your planning and ideas should be fool-proof and should contain a backup plan.

9 Marketing Strategies and Ideas- Small Scale Business

MSMEs require a smart plan to excel in the market. Here are some basic strategies and ideas which you can use to do wonders in your business. Just take a look-

small scale business

1. Social Media Page

Creating a social media page is the first thing that a company should do. It does not require a penny to start and it can improve your brand image among your audience. People from all over the world are active on these platforms. The most active platforms are Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Billions of people have their accounts there which means, you could have billions of potential audiences. If you do not have social media page or don’t know anything about social media marketing, then they will get attracted to your competitors who have. It is quite easy to provide updates on these platforms.

2. Webinar

People have started turning to the digital and online mode which means they like to get served online. The seminars which the companies used to conduct have now taken the place of word webinars. An online webinar has made the work easier, now your audience does not have to step out of their house. You can explain there about your company and what makes your company unique. The requirement of a good speaker is a must. He can get you, clients, through that online webinar. Webinars are a good source of online training sessions, both live and recorded.

3. Content Marketing

It includes creating engaging content for the audience that can keep on updating them about the company. Content not only includes writing Q/A sections, blogs and articles but also includes podcasts, video scripts, voice-over and many more. Content requires being interactive which can hold the interest of readers as soon as they look at it. Your content has to be SEO-friendly and have to include required keywords focusing on the business that helps you to rank better on the Google search engine result page. Content Marketing is quite a popular tool of marketing as well.

4. Google ads

Google ad, adword or PPC, all are similar words to Google ad campaigns. The option we see on the top of SERP with ‘Ad’ is a paid advertisement put on Google for the people looking for something similar to the keyword. Google ads attract the most potential and relevant audience and it has benefited most business owners. According to research, people click on the first option that comes to their screen after searching for something. Google ads are the most powerful weapon to use when you want to be the centre of attraction.

google ads for MSMEs

5. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is just a fancy name given to a very old form of marketing. In this type, if you associate with affiliates then they will promote your products among the people. You do not need to find ways and techniques of marketing from your own, the affiliate will do that. You have to pay a share of the profits which you have made through their marketing techniques. This technique has been earning fame among small scale business. Affiliates have a strong marketing knowledge as well as connections with people. They can create brand awareness in a short span of time which promotes overall sales and market value.

6. Email Marketing- Small Scale Business

One such marketing technique for the small scale industries is marketing through emails. Email generation can target audiences of small scale business with a personalized experience. Target your previous clients to turn them into regular clients. Make a healthy relationship with them through mails, send updates and offers related to your MSMEs. Email marketing strategies is the linchpin to MSMEs. People don’t buy immediately after visiting your website; you can collect the data of their email addresses and send them emails regarding the business. This is how you shift visitors into a customer.

7. Social Media Advertisement

Marking the presence on social media platforms is the keystone for a small scale business. Social media and the internet rule the world and everybody is aware of that. Organic social media reach is possible but ads increase the visibility of your business. Facebook advertising and Instagram ads are tools to make a virtual and stupendous impact on your audience. Social ads are shown on the basis of your location, gender, choice, preference etc. Basically, the potential audience witnesses these ads, which can turn into your customers. Social media has made it as easy as a pie to start a campaign, all the procedures and steps are given there, and you need to add heading, description, target, budget, and you are done.

8. Influencer Marketing

The latest form of marketing is influencer marketing where you hire an influencer to promote your product through a picture or a video on social media platforms. Influencers are the people who get fame on social media through any activity like making videos, art, or through their dance, or anything. They have a good range of fan following and these influencers have the power t make an impact on people. Beauty brands especially have used this mode of marketing to its full extent. Moreover, this medium of advertising is inexpensive too and provides excellent results.

9. Print Advertisement- Small Scale Business

Last but not least important medium is a print advertisement. I agree that online media is all over our minds but that doesn’t mean that print media has eloped. The reach of print media is inarguable; people still prefer to read from paper, then from the screens of their devices. It has a different audience base, which needs to target too. This mode can never be out of style, not now at least. The print ad has lower competition, so if you plan smartly, you can advertise your small scale business economically.

advertising strategy

Impact of Omicron on Small Scale Business

Covid-19 has shattered our lives within a few months. Our work-life became haywire and unorganized and many people suffered huge losses in their businesses. Small industries were forced to shut down due to this condition. Not just in the first wave, but in the second wave too, people suffered a lot. Now the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 or third wave is at our doorsteps and people are very scared of that. Small scale business were affected the most, so as a result, people have started getting prepared for what is going to happen next. The impact in India third wave on small scale business has both positive and negative results.

Talking about the positive side, we should keep in mind that there is a chance, that this time economic fall will not be that severe, because people have experienced this before. People have shifted to online shopping for everything they require, which has boosted the online market base. Omicron could be a help to the SSI if they plan to switch to digital marketing. People can avoid spending time in markets, can avoid crowds, and can follow social distancing if everything shifts to online mode.

 In case of the negative side of it, many businesses will not be able to deliver their products and few niches are built in such a way, that they need to be available in the market. Also, unbalance of demand and supply is the biggest possibility here. Businesses can run out of stock if the government implies a full lockdown and ban on any import and export of goods.

Though there are both positive and negative impacts, still shifting to the online marketplace is worth a try. It increases the possibility of getting known and can be beneficial too. It is better that you do not wait till the omicron touches its peak, start implementing those marketing strategies and ideas so that you will have a well-established business, just in case anything happens. Also, if you think that is not your cup of tea, then you can hire a digital marketing company or small business marketing companies to do that for you. The company will not only complete the task but will do it with perfection and will provide exemplary results too.

15 Trending Small Business Ideas

Everyone aspires to be an entrepreneur, be their own boss, by starting their business. The smartest move is to start an online business (keeping the current situation in mind). The low-cost business ideas are hard to find and yet we have made a list of top online business ideas which are trendy and affordable too.

small business ideas
  1. Social Media Management
  2. Online Advertising Strategy
  3. Homemade Cakes
  4. Handcraft Items
  5. Youtube Channel
  6. Online Tutors
  7. Home Decore
  8. Freelancing
  9. Web Developer
  10. Graphic Designing
  11. Affiliate Marketing
  12. App Developer
  13. Blogging
  14. Online Advertiser
  15. Seller on Amazon

These were the few top and popular ideas to start earning money right now. These are the best small scale business ideas for ladies because online business in India is accelerating its speed with the span of time. Try to support small business of others too, this will boost the online business and motivate others to work hard. Comment down your reviews and more ideas of marketing below!